Common services include treating chronic pediatric sinusitis, rhinitis, and nasal blockage/obstruction, such as a deviated nasal septum, which can cause breathing difficulties.
We also manage conditions like epistaxis (nosebleeds) and adenoid or tonsil issues, which can lead to sleep disordered breathing or obstructive sleep apnea. For children with recurrent ear infections or hearing loss, we offer evaluation and treatment to ensure proper hearing and ear health, supporting their overall well-being and development.
Stages of Pediatric Services
Chronic ENT conditions in pediatric patients often progress through the following stages:
These stages include:
Early Onset
In the early stage, symptoms of chronic ENT conditions, such as recurrent sinus infections, ear infections, or nasal obstruction, may appear sporadically. Parents may notice mild issues like nasal congestion, occasional ear pain, snoring, or difficulty breathing, which can often be mistaken for temporary or acute illnesses.
Recurrent Episodes
As the condition progresses, symptoms become more frequent or persistent. Children may experience recurrent ear infections, sinus infections, or nosebleeds. Conditions like enlarged tonsils or adenoids may lead to more noticeable snoring, mouth breathing, and disrupted sleep. At this stage, over-the-counter treatments or antibiotics may offer temporary relief, but the underlying issue persists.
Chronic Phase
In the chronic phase, symptoms are ongoing and significantly affect the child’s quality of life. Persistent nasal obstruction, chronic ear infections with hearing loss, or persistent/chronic nasal congestion may interfere with daily activities, including school performance and sleep. Breathing difficulties due to enlarged tonsils or adenoids may cause obstructive sleep apnea and impact overall health and development.
Surgical Consideration
When conservative treatments fail to manage symptoms effectively, surgery becomes a consideration. Common procedures include tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy for obstructive sleep apnea, ear tube placement for recurrent ear infections, or septoplasty for chronic nasal blockage. Surgical intervention aims to improve the child’s overall health, breathing, sleep quality, and hearing, addressing the root cause of the chronic condition.
Factors, Symptoms, Diagnosing, and Beyond:
What factors can contribute to chronic ENT conditions in children?
Common factors include allergies, frequent upper respiratory infections, environmental irritants, enlarged tonsils or adenoids, and anatomical issues like a deviated septum, can all lead to chronic ENT problems such as recurrent ear infections, nasal blockage, or chronic sinusitis.
What are the symptoms that I should watch for in my child?
Symptoms may include persistent nasal congestion/obstruction, chronic cough, ongoing nasal discharge, mouth breathing, recurrent ear infections, frequent nosebleeds, hearing difficulties, and sleep disturbances. If these symptoms are frequent or long-lasting, it’s important to consult a pediatric ENT specialist.
How are ENT conditions diagnosed in children?
Diagnosis often involves a thorough review of symptoms and medical history, physical exam, and additional tests such as hearing tests, nasal endoscopy, or imaging (such as a CT scan or x-ray) to evaluate the nose, sinuses, adenoids, tonsils, and/or ear structures. These help identify the underlying cause and guide treatment.
Dr. Yip can assess whether you might be a candidate for surgical treatment.
Requirements For Referral:
A referral from your healthcare provider is required. For chronic rhinosinusitis, a CT sinus scan may be requested and patients should be trialed on medical therapy for at least 8 consecutive weeks. For adenoid and tonsil concerns, a nasopharyngeal x-ray is required to assess the airway. These tests help with accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.